• Abortion Amendment 4

    Searching for Wilberforce created this video clearly explaining every problematic interpretation of Amendment 4.

    Florida 6 Week Ban

    No, abortion is NOT illegal in Florida. Robert Shaver explains how it is thriving.

    Grace Life Church - Exodus 21:22-25

    Pastor Brandon Elixson's May 2, 2021 sermon on the sin of abortion, the difference between the terms "pro-life" and "abolition," and t he redemption through Christ alone.

    County Exhortation

    Woman speaks to county to request a resolution opposing Amendment 4. Unbeknownst to her, fter she finishes speaking and leaves, another woman in the audience reiterates the deceptiveness of the Amendment's language and seconds the request for a county resolution.

    County Exhortation

    Woman speaks to county to request a resolution opposing Amendment 4. Unbeknownst to her, fter she finishes speaking and leaves, another woman in the audience reiterates the deceptiveness of the Amendment's language and seconds the request for a county resolution.