What is Amendment 4?
Amendment 4 is a proposed Amendment to our Florida Constitution that would enshrine abortion as a constitutional right.
We believe that ALL abortion is the murder of the most innocent and helpless among us - the preborn child.
However, the proposed language of Amendment 4 is INTENTIONALLY vague and misleading specifically to deceive voters. If it is passed, it WILL be interpreted to allow abortion up to birth, for any reason or no reason.
However, the terms "viability," "health," and "healthcare provider" are not defined and will be interpreted in many different ways.
Most people think that "viability" means the point at which a child is developed enoughg to survive outside the womb. But the word "viability" is NOT defined in the Amendment, so it is up to the "healthcare provider" (the abortionist) to decide whether the baby is "viable" or not. The language in the Amendment would Replace any current legal definitions of viability.
Most people think of "health of the patient" as a condition that threatens the life of the mother or poses a very serious and irreversible effect on the mother's health. However, "health" is intentionally NOT defined in the Amendment in order to trick the voter. Because "Health" is not defined, it can mean anything the abortionist wants it to mean! "Health" could mean the woman's physical health, her emotional health, even her financial "health." This lack of definition opens the door for any woman to claim any condition -- mental, physical or fiscal -- and have an abortion at any time during her pregnancy. It's all up to her "healthcare provider."
"Healthcare Provider"
The term "Healthcare Provider" is not defined in the Amendment. Florida statutes has different definitions. However, the Amendment would override Florida law. This undefined term could mean anyone in the healthcare field. This opens the door to allow basically anyone in the field of health care (podiatrist? speech therapist?) to become an abortionist.
All of these intentional loopholes are good reasons to Vote NO on Amendment 4. However, even if the Amendment was crystal clear in its definitions, the main reason to defeat this amendment is:
Human life begins at fertilization.
Every preborn individual is a human being made in the image of God.
Every human being has the same God-given right to life that you and I have.
YES!! Every human has a
God-given right to life, so
Vote NO on 4!
It is imperative that you actually VOTE and that you vote NO on 4. The Amendment needs a 60% super-majority to pass. But do not be fooled into thinking that you should skip this question to avoid it passing. Only the YES & NO votes are counted. You MUST vote, and you must vote NO.
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