• What is Amendment 4?

    Amendment 4 is a proposed Amendment to our Florida Constitution that would enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. The proposed language of Amendment 4 is vague and misleading, and could be construed to allow abortion up to birth, for any reason or no reason:

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    However, the terms "viability," "health," and "healthcare provider" are not defined and could be interpreted in many different ways.


    "Viability" typically means the point at which a child is developed enough to survive outside the womb - usually 22-24 weeks gestational age, although at least one infant has survived at 21 weeks. The age of viability can be expected to continually decrease as our medical technology increases. However, some more radical abortion advocates (like the ones sponsoring this Amendment) believe in abortion up to birth and could interpret it that way. The more pro-abortion the "healthcare provider," the later he or she would consider "viability." The state legislature would not be able to to define viability.


    "Health" has been interpreted in previous abortion laws as a condition that threatens the life of the mother or poses a very serious and irreversible effect on the mother's health. However, the meaning here is exceedingly vague and could mean anything from a woman's emotional health or even her financial "health." That basically opens the door for any woman to claim any condition -- mental, physical or fiscal -- and have an abortion at any time during her pregnancy. It's all up to her "healthcare provider."


    "Healthcare Provider" has been defined previously in Florida abortion law as a licensed physician. This language could mean anyone in the healthcare field. This opens the door to allow basically anyone in the field of health care (podiatrist? speech therapist?) to administer an abortion.


    Those are a few of the legal issues caused by this proposed Amendment. However, there is a far more serious moral question raised by the Amendment:


    If human life begins at fertilization (it does), and if every preborn individual is a human being (he/she is), does that human being not have the same God-given right to life that you and I have?

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    YES!! Every human has a

    God-given right to life, so

    Vote NO on 4!


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    It is imperative that you actually VOTE and that you vote NO on 4. The Amendment needs a 60% super-majority to pass. But do not be fooled into thinking that you should skip this question to avoid it passing. Only the YES & NO votes are counted. You MUST vote, and you must vote NO.